Chairs of the commission
Chair: Guillaume Touya, IGN France, Univ. Gustave Eiffel (firstname.lastname(at)
Guillaume Touya is a senior researcher at IGN France (the French mapping agency) and Univ. Gustave Eiffel, and has been an active member of the Generalisation commission since 2005. He holds a PhD degree and a Habilitation degree in Geographical Information Science from Paris Est University. His research interests include map generalization and automated multi-scale cartography, with a focus on the cartography of volunteered geographic information.
Vice-chair: Izabela Karsznia, University of Warsaw, Poland (i.karsznia(at)
Vice-chair: Nicolas Regnauld, ESRI (nregnauld(at)
Vice-chair: Timofey Samsonov, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia (tsamsonov(at)
Vice-chair: Lawrence V. Stanislawski, USGS, USA (lstan(at)
Members of the commission
Members of the commission are those making it active. The current state of the following list is based on the participants of annual workshop of the last two years.
Name of the member | Institution | Country |
Meysam Aliakbarian | Univ. of Zürich | Switzerland |
Vincent van Altena | Kadaster | Netherlands |
Dogan Altundag | Kadaster | Netherlands |
Serdar Aslan | General Command Mapping | Turkey |
Pia Bereuter | FHNW University | Switzerland |
Jagadish Boodala | Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur | India |
Cynthia Brewer | Pennsylvania State University | USA |
Marc-Olivier Briat | ESRI | USA |
Dirk Burghardt | TU Dresden | Germany |
Barabara Buttenfield | University of Colorado | USA |
Tobias Dahinden | University of Hannover | Germany |
Cécile Duchêne | IGN/LASTIG | France |
Pieter Erauw | IGN-NGI | Belgium |
Hongchao Fan | Technische Universität München | Germany |
Anne Féchir | IGN-NGI | Belgium |
Anna Fiedukowicz | Warsaw University of Technology | Poland |
Nick Gould | University of Manchester | UK |
Stefan Hahmann | Dresden University of Technology | Germany |
Lars Harrie | University of Lund | Sweden |
Jan-Henrik Haunert | University of Würzburg | Germany |
Bin Jiang | University of Gävle | Sweden |
Shen Jie | Nanjing University | China |
Dominik Käuferle | SwissTopo | Switzerland |
Pengbo Li | Lanzhou Jiaotong University | China |
William Mackaness | University of Edinburgh | UK |
Bo Mao | Geoinformatics, KTH | Sweden |
Martijn Meijers | TU Delft | Netherlands |
Wouter Meulemans | TU Eindhoven | Netherlands |
Sébastien Mustière | IGN/LASTIG | France |
Byron Nakos | University of Athens | Greece |
Ron Nijhuis | Kadaster | Netherlands |
Robert Olszewski | Warsaw University of Technology | Poland |
Peter van Oosterom | TU Delft | Netherlands |
Woojin Park | Seoul National University | South Korea |
Agata Pillich-Kolipińska | Warsaw University of Technology | Poland |
Daniel Pilon | Natural Resources Canada | Canada |
Karsten Pippig | TU Dresden | Germany |
Maria Pla | Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya | Spain |
Marc Post | TU Delft | Netherlands |
Edith Punt | ESRI | USA |
Paolo Raposo | Pennsylvania State University | USA |
Nico Regnauld | ESRI | USA/France |
Andreas Reimer | German Research Centre f. Geosciences | Germany |
Timofey Samsonov | Lomonosov State University | Russia |
Sandro Savino | University of Padova | Italy |
Monika Sester | University of Hannover | Germany |
Özlem Simav | General Command Mapping | Turkey |
Larry Stanislawski | USGS-CEGIS | USA |
Christian Stern | Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences | Germany |
Jantien Stoter | Kadaster & TU Delft | Netherlands |
Emmanuel Stefanakis | University of Calgary | Canada |
Stanisław Szombara | AGH University of Science and Technology | Poland |
Guillaume Touya | IGN/LASTIG | France |
Anna Vetter | Esri Switzerland Ltd. | Switzerland |
Mark Ware | University of Glamorgan | UK |
David Watkins | ESRI | USA |
Robert Weibel | Univ. of Zurich | Switzerland |
Luan Xuechen | Wuhan University | China |
Min Yang | Wuhan University | China |
Xiang Zhang | Sun Yat-Sen University | China |
Member registration and mailing list
Send an e-mail to Guillaume Touya (firstname.lastname(at)