7th ICA Workshop - Papers
Database issues: multiple representation, incremental update and topological modelling Report
Visualisation on small displays Report
Papers and presentations
Karl-Heinrich Anders (U Hannover) A Hierarchical Graph-Clustering Approach to find Groups of Objects Paper, Oral presentation
Blanca Baella and Maria Pla (ICC) An example of database generalization workflow: the Topographic Database of Catalonia at 1:25 000 Paper, Oral presentation
Sylvain Bard (COGIT) Evaluation of generalisation quality Paper, Oral presentation
Matthias Bobzien and Dieter Morgenstern (U Bonn) Abstracting and Formalizing Model Generalization Paper, Oral presentation
Dirk Burghardt and Alessandro Cecconi (U Zurich) Mesh Simplification for Building Selection Paper, Oral presentation
Cécile Duchêne (COGIT) Coordinative agents for automated generalisation of rural areas Paper, Oral presentation
Cécile Duchêne, Sylvain Bard, Xavier Barillot, Anne Ruas, Jenny Trévisan and Florence Holzapfel (COGIT) Quantitative and qualitative description of building orientation Paper, Oral presentation
Birgit Elias (U Hannover) Determination of Landmarks and Reliability Criteria for Landmarks Paper, Oral presentation
Andrea Forberg and Helmut Mayer (BU Munich) Squaring and Scale-Space Based Generalization of 3D Building Data Paper, Oral presentation
Martin Galanda (U Zurich) Modelling constraints for polygon generalization Paper, Oral presentation
Wenxiu Gao, Jianya Gong and Zhilin Li (U Wuhan, PU Hong Kong) Knowledge-based Generalization on Land-use Data Paper
Paul Hardy, Melanie Hayles and Patrick Revell (Laser-Scan) Clarity - a new Environment for Generalisation using AGENTS, JAVA, XML and Topology Paper, Oral presentation
Frédéric Hubert and Anne Ruas (COGIT) A method based on samples to capture user needs for generalisation Paper, Oral presentation
Bin Jang and Lars Harrie (U Gävle, U Lund) Cartographic Selection Using Self-Organizing Maps Paper, Oral presentation
Novit Kreiter (swisstopo) Multirepresentation Databases and Need for Generalization at swisstopo Oral presentation
Jagdish Lal and Liqiu Meng (TU Munich) Aggregation on the Basis of Structure Recognition Paper, Oral presentation
Dan Lee (ESRI) Recent Generalization Development and road ahead Paper, Oral presentation
Cécile Lemarié (IGN France) Generalisation process for Top100: research in generalisation brought to fruition Paper, Oral presentation
Robert McMaster (U of Minnesota) The Creation of Multiple Scale Databases in the NHGIS Oral presentation
Byron Nakos and Vassilis Mitropoulos (TU Athen) Local length ratio as a measure of critical points detection for line simplification Paper, Oral presentation
Nicolas Regnauld, (OS) Algorithms for the Amalgamation of Topographic Data Paper
Vince Smith (Intergraph) Generalization for Medium-Scale Mapping: Results and Statistics from One Production Implementation Oral presentation
Lichun Sui, (TU Munich) Acquisition of Generalization Knowledge using Matching Methods Paper, Oral presentation
J. Mark Ware, N. Thomas and Christopher Jones (U Glamorgan, U Cardiff) Resolving Graphic Conflict in Scale Reduced Maps: Refining the Simulated Annealing Technique Paper, Oral presentation
Ian D. Wilson, J. Mark Ware and J. Andrew Ware (U Glamorgan) Reducing Graphic Conflict In Scale Reduced Maps Using A Genetic Algorithm Paper, Oral presentation