10th ICA Workshop - Papers and program
Sunday 25th June 2006
Commission Annoucement Oral Presentation
Session 1 : Semantic Modelling in Map Generalisation - Chair: J. Gaffuri
Barbara Buttenfield, C. Frye The Fallacy of the Golden Feature in MRDBs : Data Modeling Versus Integrating New Anchor Data Paper
Omair Chaudhry, W. Mackaness Indeterminate Boundaries in Higher order phenomenon Paper, Oral Presentation
Geoff Dutton, A. Edwardes Ontological Modeling of GeographicalRelationship for Map Generalization Paper, Oral Presentation
Session 2 : Map Generalisation Services - Chair: G. Dutton
Theodor Foerster , J. Stoter Establishing an OGC Web Processing Service for generalization processes Paper, Oral Presentation
Ingo Petzold, D. Burghardt, M. Bobzien Workflow Management and Generalisation Services Paper, Oral Presentation
Peter Van Oosterom, M. de Vriers; M. Meijers Vario-scale data server in a web service context Paper, Oral Presentation
Discussion Groups: Web Generalisation Services - Chair A. Ruas
Session 3: Map Generalisation Methodologies - Chair B. Buttenfield
Julien Gaffuri How to merge optimization and agent-based generalization techniques in a single generalization model? Paper, Oral Presentation
Paul Hardy, J-L Monnot; D Lee An Optimization Approach To Constraint-Based Generalization In a Commodity GIS Framework Paper, Oral Presentation
Bülent Cetinkaya, S. Aslan, Y. Sengun, O-N Cobankaya, D. Er Ilgin Contour Simplification with Defined Spatial Accuracies Paper, Oral Presentation
Session 4 : Map Generalization in Production Environment - Chair: Peter van Oosterom
Patrick Revell, N. Regnauld, S. Thom Generalising and Symbolising Ordnance Survey Base Scale Data to Create a Prototype 1:50 000 Scale Vector Ma Paper, Oral Presentation
François Lecordix, J-M Le Gallic, L Gondol Clarity(TM) experimentation for cartographic generalisation in production Paper, Oral Presentation
Karel Stanek Design of a support system for cartographic generalization of a topographic reference base Paper, Oral Presentation
Dariusz Gotlib, Robert Olszewski Integration of the Topographic Database, VMap L2 Database and selected cadastral data - a step towards the integrated, MRDB reference database in Poland Paper, Oral Presentation
Discussion Groups on Production Needs - Chair: W. Mackaness