14th ICA Workshop - Papers and presentations
Duration of each presentation: 15 minutes.
Thursday, June 30st
08.30-09.30 Registration, welcome and fast forward session
09.30-11.00 Session 1: Generic Generalization Approaches
Generating Multiple Scale Model for the Cadastral Map using Polygon Generalization Methodology Woojin Park and Kiyun Yu (slides)
Parallelity in Chorematic Territorial Outlines Andreas Reimer and Wouter Meulemans (slides)
A methodology on natural occurring lines segmentation and generalization based on visual perception principles Vasilis Mitropoulos and Byron Nakos (slides)
11.00-11.30 Coffee break
11.30-13.00 Session 2: Building Generalization; Quality
Building Footprint Simplification Based on Hough Transform and Least Squares Adjustment Richard Guercke and Monika Sester (slides)
A generic application for building typification Ibrahim Öztug Bildirici, Serdar Aslan, Özlem Simav and Osman Nuri Çobankaya (slides)
Identifying map regions that are difficult to read Perola Olsson, Karsten Pippig, Lars Harrie and Hanna Stigmar (slides)
Toward the generalisation of cartographic mashups: Taking into account the dependency between the thematic data and the reference data throughout the process of automatic generalisation Kusay Jaara, Cécile Duchêne, Anne Ruas (slides)
13.00-14.30 Lunch
14.30-15.30 Break-out sessions (and coffee)
15.30-17.00 Session 3: Generalization of topographic features I
A Comparison of Star and Ladder Generalization Strategies for Intermediate Scale Processing of USGS National Hydrography Dataset Barbara Buttenfield, Lawrence Stanislawski and Cynthia Brewer (slides)
Towards extraction of constraints for integrating environmental spatial data in digital landscape models of lower resolution – a work in progress Christian Stern and Monika Sester (slides)
Automated generalisation of land cover data in a planar topographic map John Van Smaalen, Ron Nijhuis and Jantien Stoter (slides)
17.00-17.30 Reports from break-out sessions
Friday, July 1st
08.30-10.00 Session 4: Generalization of topographic features II
Generalizing the altimetric information of the Topographic Database of Catalonia at 1:5,000: classification and selection of break lines Jesus Palomar-Vazquez, Josep E. Pardo-Pascual, Blanca Baella and Maria Pla (slides)
Pruning of Hydrographic Networks: A Comparison of Two Approaches Lawrence Stanislawski and Sandro Savino (slides)
Combining Varied Federal Data Sources for Multiscale Map Labeling of Populated Places and Airports for The National Map of the United States Cynthia Brewer, James Thatcher and Stephen Butzler (slides)
10.00-10.30 Coffee break
10.30-12.00 Session 5: Architectures and Vario-Scale
Towards a true vario-scale structure supporting smooth-zoom Peter Van Oosterom and Martijn Meijers (slides)
Cache-friendly progressive data streaming with variable-scale data structures Martijn Meijers (slides)
Collaborating for better on-demand mapping Sandrine Balley and Nicolas Regnauld (slides)
Scalability of contextual generalization processing using partioning and parallelization Marc-Olivier Briat, Jean-Luc Monnot, Edith M. Punt (slides)
12.00-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.30 Break-out sessions
14.30-15.00 Reports from break-out sessions
15.00-15.30 Coffee break
15.30-17.00 Session 6: Generalization of whole maps
Method for deriving spatial data of Dresden to smaller scales Karsten Pippig and Dirk Burghardt (slides)
Feasibility study on an automated generalisation production line for multiscale topographic products Jantien Stoter, Ron Nijhuis, Marc Post, Vincent Van Altena, Jan Bulder, Ben Bruns, John Van Smaalen (slides)
Automated generalisation of 1:10k topographic data from municipal data Dogan Altundag and Jantien Stoter (slides)
17.00-17.30 Wrap up, next steps, plans