14th ICA Workshop - Participants
39 people from 12 countries participated to this workshop:
Dogan Altundag, Kadaster, Netherlands Serdar Aslan, General Command Mapping, Turkey Sandrine Balley, Ordnance Survey, UK Cynthia Brewer, Pennsylvania State University, USA Marc-Olivier Briat, ESRI, USA Dirk Burghardt, TU Dresden, Germany Barabara Buttenfield, University of Colorado, USA Tobias Dahinden, University of Hannover, Germany Cécile Duchêne, IGN/COGIT, France Pieter Erauw, IGN-NGI, Belgium Nick Gould, University of Manchester, UK Richard Guercke, University of Hannover, Germany Lars Harrie, University of Lund, Sweden Kusay Jaara, IGN/COGIT, France William Mackaness, University of Edinburgh, UK Martijn Meijers, TU Delft, Netherlands Wouter Meulemans, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands Sébastien Mustière, IGN/COGIT, France Byron Nakos, University of Athens, Greece Ron Nijhuis, Kadaster, Netherlands Jesus Palomar-Vazquez, Polytechnical University of Valencia, Spain Woojin Park, Seoul National University, South Korea Karsten Pippig, TU Dresden, Germany Maria Pla, Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya, Spain Paolo Raposo, Pennsylvania State University, USA Andreas Reimer, GFZ German Research Centre For Geosciences, Germany Jérémy Renard, IGN/COGIT, France Patrick Revell, Ordnance Survey, UK Sandro Savino, University of Padova, Italy Monika Sester, University of Hannover, Germany Özlem Simav, General Command Mapping, Turkey Vince Smith, Intergraph, USA Larry Stanislawski, USGS-CEGIS, USA Christian Stern, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Germany Jantien Stöter, Kadaster & TU Delft, Netherlands Guillaume Touya, IGN/COGIT, France Peter van Oosterom, TU Delft, Netherlands David Watkins, ESRI, USA