NMA Symposium 2015 - Program and presentations
Day 1
09:00-09:30 Introduction session: welcome and introduction of participants
09:30 Swisstopo, Switzerland [abstract] [slides] 09:50 CZE, Czech Republic [abstract] [slides] 10:10 NLS, Finland [abstract] [slides]
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00 IGN, France [abstract] [slides] 11:20 Ordnance Survey, UK [abstract] [slides] 11:40 Kadaster, Netherlands [abstract] [slides] 12:00 ICG, Catalonia [abstract] [slides] 12:20 GST (KMS), Denmark [abstract] [slides]
12:40-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:00 Break out session [break out 1] [break out 2] [break out 3]
15:00- 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 GUGiK, Poland [abstract] [slides] 15:50 LM, Sweden [abstract] [slides] 16:10 ELF [slides] [link] 16:30 Ordnance Survey, Ireland [abstract] [slides]
Day 2
8:30-9:00 Recap – Summary of day 1
9:00 Survey of Israel [abstract] [slides] 9:15 HGK, Turkey [abstract] [slides] 9:30 Kartverket, Norway [abstract] [slides] 9:45 IGN, Belgium [abstract] [slides] 10:00 AdV, Germany [abstract] [slides]
10:15 ESRI [abstract] [slides] 10:30 1Spatial [abstract] [slides]
10:45-11:15 Coffee break
11:15 What’s next? 11:30-12:00 Prestentation of map products